Hi, My names Lou, you can catch me in the organic aisle in Asda wearing my exercise gear, browsing the fruit and veg. Because I, Lou, am a reformed woman! I MADE IT! I have successfully survived one entire week of healthy eating, minimal snacking (Because who doesn't love a good snack) and yes, exercising! I feel like a new woman, I now know what quinoa is and I ate actual vegetables. VEGETABLES!
To say this week was easy would be a lie, I have been miserable and hungry for the best part of this week however the feeling of accomplishment I felt this morning was wonderful. Understandably due to the drastic, and I mean drastic changes (I haven't eaten crisps for breakfast once this week!) I have made this week, I have noticed some erm... unanticipated changes within myself that I feel I should share, this is the Chubby Confessionals after all, I would be doing my reader's a dis-service if I did not from time to time make actual confessions. So I have devised a list of things NOBODY tells you about healthy eating, dieting and exercise, what NOBODY tells you about a change in the way you treat your body.
THIS IS THE UGLY TRUTH OF HEALTHY EATING... I hate to be graphic but to be frank, I have never spent so much time on the toilet. (I'm debating installing a television at this point) My body has literally gone into shock, with the mass amount of vegetables I am putting in my body. I did a load of googling after fearing my arsehole would be the death of me but turns out I've been eating a shed load of fiber. Over joyed I'm not being assassinated by my arsehole, but I am remaining hopeful that my body will adjust and I won't break the bank buying an ungodly amount of toilet roll.
My body is having withdrawals. I know dieting is hard but this week I have had LITERAL cravings. There have been points this week where I would have committed terrible crimes for abit of Dairy Milk. Turns out all the best snacks are the enemy to those on a journey towards weight-loss and my body is making me pay for the previous crimes I have committed against the laws of a balanced diet.
Lets face it, the shakes don't work and there is no healthy way to lose weight as quickly as we'd like too. (If Slimfast changed their names to SlimRapid they'd definitely sell more shakes.) I think I thought once I'd eaten a few healthy meals, I'd wake up looking like a Victoria Secret Model. The truth is I've worked my arse off this week to only lose 2 pounds. I weighed myself every day and was shocked when I saw no progress until this morning. I have to keep reminding myself nothing is going to change over night.
All in all this week has most definitely been an eye opener. It's been hard, like sooooooooooooo hard but I have been informed by my 'skinnier' friends that it does indeed get easier (I'm not convinced). In the meantime, I am hopeful the toots and poops will retire and I am feeling more and more positive about the changes that are to come.
2 pounds down, and a hell of a lot more to come!
Lou xox